Friday 22 May 2009

Trouble with Teemu

After 1.0 release I really haven't been that interested to code Teemu. I'm busy with Agduria (and Kaduria) and it may well be possible that Agduria will be playable game sooner than Teemu 1.1. Maybe I added too many features in Teemu 1.1 and going through the to do list isn't fun. Also I feel that I said what I wanted to say with Teemu: that I'm capable of programming a complete game, no matter how simple it is. Not that it's really that important, but I began to get annoyed about jokes related to Kaduria.

Besides it was true what many people said about a smaller side project. It's a great way to improve programming and game design skills and also create solutions that can be used in other projects. As games "7DRL" or small roguelikes can't compete with major ones, that is certain, but they provide good practice for programmers, if there was no previous experience of that kind of stuff.