Sunday 6 July 2014

The player of games

As a player I'm not very good. It has somehow become more evident when I've been watching ADOM gameplay videos on Youtube by Gordon Overkill. He also seems to make mistakes which fellow youtubers often point out in comments, but he is still way better than I am.

The main difference is that Gordon knows what to do. He knows where to go, what items to use and what kind of monsters there are in the game. Of course roguelikes require learning that stuff and using tactics to apply all that information. I don't play ADOM, but in Nethack it's the same story. What happens to me in Nethack that I sometimes get far, but then something bad happens and the game is over. Sometimes it's something new, but often it's just the lack of proper tactical response to a bad situation. In other words I don't know what to do.

This is somewhat important, because I'm developing games that should be difficult as roguelikes often are. But how can I do that if I'm not a skilled, tactical type of player? I really don't want to set up a closed game testing before release. Maybe I should forget about creating a super difficult game and create the gameplay easy enough for me to win the game. In case of Kaduria it will probably be something that happens anyway, because the RPG system is not similar to D&D.

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