Wednesday 21 July 2010

New name for Stile?

It appears that there is a program called sTile. Stile is actually a dumb name anyway, so I'm planning to change it. Maybe to something that no one really has thought before. Or maybe something traditional like X Paint where X is something like.. I don't know.. Super? Super Paint. Super Mario Paint. Wait, that was already taken.

Power Paint? Taken. Fuck, this is harder than I thought.


Pikalek said...

Since Tile Studio is taken, maybe Tile Atelier?

Atelier - French term for studio; workplace of alchemist or wizard; techniques associated with creating representational 2D images. References: studio and Atelier_Method.

Jotaf said...

Milosoft Power Paint would get you sued hehe. Tile Editor would be the most plain, maybe make a play on that -- Brick Editor?

Krice said...

Atelier sounds too gay. Brick sounds dumb. Maybe it should be Brick Atelier...