Wednesday 16 June 2021

Midsummer update

Banana Rogue: This project is doing well, I'm currently rewriting all linked list routines which is a big task, but far from impossible. As a bonus it's making save/load game much easier to implement. I like working on this project probably the most, because it's so bananas. The source code of Advanced Rogue is really old, but still manageable. I think it's way better than Nethack's source code.

Saladir: This project resembles Advanced Rogue, but the source code is quite bit cleaner. This also needs a new save/load and file routines etc. but this is on hold for now.

Teemu 1.3: Most of the hard work is done, but the bane of my existence or also called RPG system is still unfinished.

Brick Atelier: I have put some effort even to this project which is a tile editor. It's also going nicely, missing some key features which I'm working on (moving, scaling and rotating selection, brush pad etc.).

Ban from RogueTemple forums: I figured out I can read RogueTemple forums from my work (they even used some kind of IP banning to prevent that) and there was a thread concerning my permanent ban. In that Slash (moderator/owner of RT) says that I was not banned for SJW reasons... which is, well, a strange thing to say. As I said before, I was banned retroactively when the rules changed. I didn't break any new rules, there was no time to do that. Even better, I never had any problems before. I didn't get any shorter bans (well, at least that I can remember) and I was not warned about my messages. Some users didn't like me, because I was attacking their ideas about what a roguelike game is. If it makes me an asshole then I proudly want to be that. I know I can be abrasive, but in my mind I'm just passionate. I don't like people who try to make black appear white. It's not white, it's black. We all know what a roguelike game is, why even try to change it? Make your own game genre and call it whatever you want and stop trying to change the reality.

In a situation like this there is nothing you can do. Slash runs the forum, it's his call to ban anyone for any reason, but I didn't like how it happened. It was dirty and everyone should know it. Even if the ban would be removed I would never come back for what they did to me.

Saturday 5 June 2021

My short Reddit visit

So I went to Reddit as username Ecirk and after I think 5 posts two of them were already deleted. The other was deleted by "automatic" spam filter and another one just disappeared. No explanations why. I think "they" realized it's me after they figured out Ecirk is Krice backwards. It's hilarious how petty these people are and how they run the show in social medias.

Reddit's rogulike dev would actually be quite ok if it did accept everyone in which it doesn't. You can also argue about Reddit's "social media" -style with some kind of arrows to vote something. I never understood up/downvotes, I just want to write messages with text that has some kind of meaning, you know, communicate with people. Most users are ok I guess, but it's those social injustice warriors and their ban hammer that ruins the day for everyone.

I predicted something like this would happen and was obviously right, as always. The problem in moderation is that somehow it's occupied by people with some ideology. I don't know how we could even prevent that other than removing moderators, but then the forums would fill with spam I guess. I'm just baffled about why they try to silence everyone with common sense? What they try to achieve with that? We know it's not going to be a brave new world if these people get to decide political issues etc. It's going to go south fast and hard.

I wont miss Reddit, it's like a forum but the ui is crappy and if you have "wrong" opinions it's impossible to bring them out without getting smashed by a ban hammer. I've sometimes laughingly stated that I will end up in by myself and those arabic spammers. It will still be better than anything else we have.