Friday 14 January 2011


Solved the problem with scrolling and offset, for most parts anyway. Now I'm trying to figure out how to implement the game system I planned before. The biggest problem is how to determine the values for each creature. It matters because with clever planning it's possible to determine some values from simpler data, such as the main type of the creature. If something goes wrong it's annoying to fix data. I'm not even sure about the game system itself. I need to write a simulator for it to check out what kind of values it will spew out.

Planning a role-playing system, even a simple one, is not an easy task. You need to get stuff right to give meaningful values for different types of creatures and also items that are involved in combat. Teros will be the hardest thing to implement for 1.3, but it will bring more role-playing feel in the gameplay.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Plans for 2011

I've decided to leave Kaduria for a while and concentrate on Teemu 1.3. I have also started to plan a new game project that is not a role-playing game. I got a really nice idea and the least I can do is plan as much as possible.

Last week has been hard, because I got a strangely difficult flu. This is something different than your average flu. Even my eyes were inflammated and swollen. I went to a doctor and my inflammation levels were too high for normal flu so I got antibiotics, but I'm not sure if they helped a lot.

If I was to die in this illness I want to say it has been nice to be a part of roguelike community, even I consider myself a rogue part of it. We come from different cultures and religions, to face an intellectual task of creating a roguelike. I think the humanity needs more of these tasks where we can all join our forces instead of killing each other. We need to compete in knowledge, not in the amount of weapons.