Friday 20 December 2013

Screenshot from v1.3

The background graphics will still change a bit, but this is how the new font looks:

After a long battle I finally think the message routine is working. Of course all I had to do is show N number of messages from the tail of the list. That way it looks like it's descending from the top and then starts to scroll. Like, that was it? Well, I think it's pretty much ready now, other than it could be nice is show current turn's messages in white and previous messages grey or something like that so it would be easier to see what happened during a turn.

There will be some more GUI adjusting, but then that part is ready and I have to concentrate on the gameplay itself.


Joseph said...

Ah, did you bash your head into the problem only to realize the solution was simple?

I do that a lot.

Krice said...

Yes. However I don't mind how simple or complex the solution is, this just happened to have a simpler solution than I thought. My next blog post will cover more of this topic.